Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Iron-Jawed Angels The Suffrage Militancy of the National Woman's Party, 1912-1920 by Ford, Linda G. ISBN: 9780819182067 List Price: $48.50
Shining: cc&d magazine v284 (the June 2018 25-year anniversary issue) by cc&d, Allen F. McNair, Arth... ISBN: 9781987705355 List Price: $9.99
Iron-Jawed Angels The Suffrage Militancy of the National Woman's Party, 1912-1920 by Ford, Linda G. ISBN: 9780819182050 List Price: $67.00
Women Politicals in America: Jailed Dissenters from Mother Jones to Lynne Stewart by Ford, Linda, Linda G. Ford ISBN: 9781720209690 List Price: $19.99